Monday, April 27, 2015

A cray week!

HI family! I am sorry I haven't had a ton of time to write you all but know taht I love you all so Much!! 

This week has been crazy! I have learned SO much in the last 3 weeks I think more than my whole mission (: not really but It sure has been an adventure! We went on divisions this week with some hermanas and It was a really good experience. I am just going to tell you a few miracles that happened this week because i don't have a ton of time to write. We went to visit this Hermana who went to church that sunday but she hadn't accepted to be baptized. She has had almost all the lessons but she hasn't accepted to be baptized. So we went to visit and the Hermana told me before that this hermana had lost her daughter very recently. So we had planned to talk about the holy ghost and how it would help her recieve an answer to her prayers. But the minute we got there she started talking to us about how she wanted to get married in the Catholic church that it had always been her dream and that she wanted to do it. So we were sitting there and we felt the spirit tell us we needed to talk about temples and eternal marriage. But that was not the plan so i was like no.... Then we stated the lesson with a prayer and I have seriously never felt the spirit so strong in my life. I felt like it hit me in the face and that her daughter was there telling us this is what my mom needs to hear. So we followed that prompting and started talking about the temple. The hermana didn't say anything but she started crying. We said Hermana this is not what we planned to teach you tody but i know that this is what you need to hear. She started crying and said that she new that it was her daughter that told us that she needed to hear that so that she could ilive with her again. So we talked about what you have to do to go to the temple. And we asked her hermana when would you like to go to the temple. And she said tomorrow. ( :haha so we said well you have to be baptized first and wait one year so you pick the day you want to get baptized and one year after you can go do the temple. She said okay I am going to pray for a date (: it was the most spiritual lesson I have ever had. 

Also they are teaching this joven who is like 15 years old. He has had a lot of problems but started coming with a friend to the church. He really likes the church. So with him we started talking about the holy ghost and he said that he didn't know if he had gotten an answer. But we asked him at the end of the lesson ( which was extremly spiritual) to pray and ask if this was true and we all knelt down and he said the most heartfelt prayer I have ever heard. He was crying we were crying the member was crying. And he knew that he recieved his answer. 

Also another Joven had the same experience. It was crazy the spirit has been so strong. I love feeling the spirit I have never felt the spirit more in my life then in the past year. I can tell the difference and I never want to lose the spirit. It is the greatest feeling. I have learned how to listen to the spirit and how to recognize what he is telling me to do . It has been hard but I know how my heavenly father talks to me. 

I just can't tell you how much I love my mission. The time has gone so fast I don't even know how but I love being a missionary with all my heart. It is hard but it is worth it. I have learned that really this is the most important thing in our lives to share the gospel nothing is more important. Also in stake confrence this week Elder Cordon, who is a member of the 70 and is in our ward... .i know right how cool. talked about keeping the sabbath day holy. I am going to send you my notes next week but I want to invite you guys to study about the sabbath day and think about the things we do to keep it holy. He said that it the commandment that the most members break. That it is not just 3 hours but the whole day. Including he said that you should be in you church clothes all day.... I have never heard that before but if a 70 says it it must be what God wants (: haha So maybe try that. It will make a big differance. Also no movies on sunday only church movies. And no TV.... only church stuff. THink about it (: 

I love you guys!!! Have a good week!!! 

Hermana Chatwin

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