Monday, June 9, 2014

Hot in Costa Rica!!! and pictures from the MTC

Hola Familia y Amigos

¿Como estan?

This week has been crazy.... We had a zone conferencia last week so everything was kind of shifted We had to go to San Jose for the meeting so we had to take the bus at like 4:30 in the morning.  Then we went to a members house and hung out for a little while and ate lunch and stuff.  Then we got to go to the temple! It was SOOO great! They told me I could use the little headset for English but I decided to brave it and listen in Spanish.... I ACTUALLY UNDERSTOOD!!!!! I was so happy! It was the neatest experience! I love the temple so much! We probably wont be able to go for a little while but that is okay I am so grateful I got to go in the first few days! So the next day was the meeting and we had a member of the 70, Elder Ochoa.  He and his wife were here and the President and Sister Wilkensen talked also.  It was such a great meeting.  They talked about how every area can be succesful if the missionaries are working their hardest.  Which is a comfort for us because we seriously have no investigators... it is a little depressing because we have been working hard but clearly not hard enough.  My companion is new to this area too so  we literally were just starting from scratch here.  But we have been having more success the past few days and now have 2 kind of investigators.  Haha :) 

So I have so much to say I do not even know where to start... It has been raining so much.... Usually we forget our umbrellas or its raining so hard it will break them so we are wet a lot of the time.  But it is great.  It rained while we were in San Jose and that was horrible because it is freezing there at least here in Guanacasta it is warm rain.  So we are in Cañas which is in the north of guanacasta I thin...... I am really not sure haha.  But we have a little tiny Branch here the chapel is literally a 3 in 1 room.. and the font is under the stand.  It is crazy! But beautiful and it has AC so sundays are quite the treat! I also have the privilege of leading the music every Sunday so that is great.... another sister plays piano but probably when she dies i will have to play.... we will see! My spanish is coming a long a lot faster than i thought... I can actually understand the just of most conversations and speak a lot more than i thought so thank you for all of your prayers I know they are working!! 

The people here are GREAT! I love them already! They are so sweet and always want to talk maybe not so much about church, everyone here is catholic, so that is a little rough.  But the members are great! President wants to have a stake in Guanacasta soon so we have really got to work hard! ( p.s. when i was writing stake i actually wrote astake por que este es la palabra in español.....entonces...el Don de Languas es REAL!!!)haha hope you can understand my horrible español! 

I have a few pictures i will put in the drop box....or try to i am not really sure how. mom you can put them on the blog...

Most of them are from the CCM because i cant take my camera with me during the day.   Since i am a Gringa.... everyone thinks i have money all the time.... and i dont want to get robbed so yeah i am sorry i dont have many pictures...

But all is well here! Its hard.... but it is great! I love it and I know that this is the work of the Lord.  Just listening to a Member of the 70 and President Wilkinsen talk about the goals of the lord here in Costa Rica is amazing! They make me so excited to do missionary work! Andto try and talk to everyone! Even if my Spanish is horrible....a veces... But I know that this is the work of the Lord! I have felt is love and spirit every day here it is crazy! I have such a love for the Book of Morman! When Elder Bednar spoke to us in the CCM he gave us a challenge to get a new copy of the book of morman and write a question you have about the gospel or your life or anything you need help with.  Then read the whole thing while looking for the answer to that question.  So i started doing this in the CCM and WOW! It is crazy! The Lord helps you find answers in every verse specifically for you! He told us that you should do this your whole life and then you will have a library of what you have learned and studied and you will see how your faith and knowledge has grown! So if you want to do that you should because it is SO cool! 

Any way there is my little tidbit for the week! I will be on for like an hour or something so Email away! :) Love you all so much!!

<3 Hermana Chatwin

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