Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hi family (: this week has been really great!

Hi family (:

well this week has been really great! We have been working really hard! We went on divisions this week and I had to stay here but I didn't get lost or anything (: so i was pretty happy. I guess when you have lived somewhere for 3 months you kind of know where things are. We still have 2 weeks until changes so we will see what happens. My companion has
6 months here so we are thinking she will have changes but I we will see. I am grateful for her and all the things we have learned together.
This week has been kind of a struggle with a few investigators who are preparing for Baptism this saturday. One of the Hermanas has been trying to quit smoking for almost 2 months she has progressed a lot but still didn't stop. So we asked our District leader if he wanted to try to help us teach her a little bit so we could help her stop smoking. So they came and we had a really REALLY good lesson abot the atonment and stuff. She decided she wanted to stop So it took a few days but this week she stopped completly! And she stopped drinking coffee! It has really jsut been a testimony builder to me that when we are keeping the commandments the lord gives us so many blessings. That when we do our part we can have the spirit more with us. We watche the video of the resturacion with her and her daughter and after we asked her how did you feel when Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ? She said i just felt like this tingling feeling that really this was true. It was amazing the spirit was so strong! She was an investigator at first who told us she never needed to go to
church because she could feel the spirit in her house just fine. Then this week we asked her if she has asked God if this was his church and she said obviously I know it is or I wouldn't be going with you guys. She said a prayer and asked God if he could help her know if she needs to join his true church on the earth and be baptized. I just love that the spirit really does change people. That when people keep the commandments the Lord will always bless them. I just know that this is true there is no way that people could change their lives so drastically if this was not the Church of Jesus Christ.
Yesterday we went to a volcano with some members and the Elders in our ward. So that was fun. I took some pictures and I am trying to put them in the Dropbox but it is taking forever. So we got there and it was really sunny but then after about an hour it got really really foggy and you couldn't hardly see anything. So we left and went to the members house and ate some Hamburgers. The members here are really the best! (: I just love them!
Well Family I hope all is well at home! I hope everyone is doing good!
I would love it if you wrote me next week because mom was the only one who wrote me..... so write me or something! Love you guys
Hermana Chatwin

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