Tuesday, November 4, 2014

dying from the cold

Familia!!! Como estan?? I am dying from the cold~!!! I didn't think it was possible to be so cold in Costa Rica!!! I have been able to use all my normal clothes so that is a plus! I have to use my blanket and sweatshirt in the morning when I am studying. I am pretty sure my companion thinks I am crazy. But it was such a drastic change from Canas to here. But i am alright I have sweaters and everything so I might look like a Grandma but I always have a sweater to be warm.
This area is SO different than my last one! It is HUGE!  We could probably fit five of my old area in this area. We share it with 2 elders but still work in the whole thing so that has been the struggle this week to find a way to work efficiently in all of the areas.... We are still trying. My companion is great! THis is her 3rd change in Costa Rica so she just finished training. Her spanish is good! She is just a little hesitant still about talking or teaching.... So we are working on it. I am really grateful that I have had the companions I have had. My trainer taught me so much and my second companion I really had to grow up quick and learn to be in charge so I am grateful for my father in heaven for giving me these experiences to grow and be a better missionary. There is one ward here so it is bigger than my last area and more members. I still don't know exactly where everything is yet but I am learning.
This week we have been looking for new investigators A LOT! They had one investigator who was not really progressing but we went to her house maybe the first day or secone day i was here and I have just learned that I have to start talking to the investigators and find out who they are and get to know them before I can teach them. So I just started talking to her and washed some of her dishes for a few minutes. Then we taught a really powerful lesson and I could feel the spirit so strong! Then the next time we put a baptismal date with her! Yesterday we had a quick lesson with her about the Book of Morman and we read the introduction. We invited her to say the prayer when we finished and she said okay. So she started praying and really it was the most sincere prayer I have ever heard. She said something like please help me to know the truth if really what the hermanas are telling me is true. If this is really your church and if I really should follow this camino. After she said amen I opened my eyes and she had tears and I had tears I just asked her how she felt and she said i feel good. I always feel so good when you guys are here I just want you to stay here all day. I told her Hermana That is the spirit trying to tell you that these things are true! Honestly if i am only here for one month I know that it was to find this Hermana! Her family is so special to me! (: I can really just feel the Love that the lord has for them!
Well I am sure learning so much here. I can't express how much i love to be a missionary. I have learned in the last few months that I can really have the spirit with me and teach with power and authority. I have always had a testimony of the Gospel my whole life I have just known it was true. But there is such a different spirit when you are in a lesson with someone and you teach about the first vision or about the book of morman and you can say  I know without a doubt that the book of morman is the word of God. That really this is the way that my heavenly father answers my questions. I love the book of Morman! I just love being a missionary so much! Really I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I feel like I wake up in the morning and then I go to sleep again. It is SO fast. I just hope that I am doing everything my Heavenly Father wants me to do. That i never EVER waste his time here! I love my heavenly father so much! I just love being a missionary!! (:
Well family I hope you all have a good week! I will talk to you all next week!!!
Love Hermana Chatwin

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