Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Buenas a todos!!! (: Como estan??

I hope that everything is going good! This week was great! We had a goal as a mission to have 200 baptisms this month and WE REACHED IT! We had exactly 200 baptisms :) so everyone was really happy here this week! We got to have an activity yesterday because we reached our goal. So we went to a national park that is like 2 hours away and just hiked to this waterfall and stuff. I put some pictures in the dropbox but they are taking for ever to load so we will see.
We have been working really hard here and trying to find people that really are ready for the Gospel. We have this one investigator and her daughter who are really progressing so well. They should be baptized the next week if everything goes well. :) we are starting to work for January right now because basically everyone is leaving the country for Christmas or they go to the beach.
Changes are this monday.... :( my companion has been her for almost 6 months so we are thinking she will leave but we are praying that she will get to stay for Christmas. If she has to leave I might get a little lost because this area is HUGE and I don't know all of it yet. But I guess we will see what happens.

We did have a few miracles this week. We have this investigador that we have been trying to teach for months. But she is NEVER in her house so it is hard to find her. But she comes to church.... So this Sunday we hadn't talked to her all week when she called us Sunday morning and told us Hey I want to go to church. Where can I meet you guys? So she ended up coming to church. But she didn't have her phone so we were waiting for but she never showed up. So we left and then she was there in another street just waiting for us. It was really the neatest thing!
I just love being a missionary so much. I have learned SO much about really who our Savior is and how much he does for us. I have learned that we don't have to be perfect but if we are trying as ard as we can we are doing enough for him. Oh and for thanksgiving one of our investigators and the ward mission leader made us dinner! We had chicken and potatoes and green beans. So it felt a little like home (:

Well family I love you all a lot! Miss ya like crazy!
Love Hermana Chatwin 

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