Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Hi family

Hi family (:  it was so great to talk to you guys on Christmas! I hope you all had a great day! We had a good Christmas here. Didn't really feel to much like Christmas but that's okay. We had kind of a slow but good week.
This week we found a lot of people that really Heavenly Father put in our path. We were looking for one family and we couldn't find their house so we took a short bus ride and then we talked to this lady. Really the family lived before the Parada where we got off but this Lady asked us a bunch of questions and told he she was really interested and wanted to come to church. So we got her number and everything and are going to visit her today. I know that it is something silly that maybe we were a little bit lost but Heavenly Father knows his children. He knows exactly where they are and when we need to find them. I know that is so true.
Also this week we invited a recent convert to come to a lesson with us. She and her Daughter were baptized at the first of the month. She is really such a strong lady. She shared her testimony with our investigadora and she told her that at first she didn't really understand anything because everything was so different then her beliefs but she could feel the spirit when we went to her house. That she felt something different. She told her I still don't know everything But I know that I am where I am supposed to be and I am going to stay there. She is really just so great! It is amazing how you can see the gospel really changing the lives of these people.
Well family I hope you all have a great new years! 2015 how fast did that come?|? I love you all a whole lot....even if you didn't write me this week.... ( mom) (: love you|! have a good day!
HErmana chatwin

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