Tuesday, March 17, 2015

11 meses!!

Hi family (: How did the time go so fast! Yesterday I had 11 months in the mission. I just can't believe that the time is going SO fast! Well this week is changes but they postponed the change until Friday. We are not sure why or anything no one has said but we are having a Mission confrence Friday with Elder Duncan who is the area President for Central America and a member of the 70. 2 weeks ago we had a Multi Zone confrence with Elder Alonzo who is also a member of the 70. The Lord is for sure hastening his work here in Costa Rica. So I am not sure If I am going to have changes but we will see. Also we are changing the day we write again to Mondays instead of Tuesdays. So next week I WILL WRITE YOU ON MONDAY. (:
Well I don't even know where to start.... This week has been

CRAZY! We had so many miracles here! We have this one Investigator who told us she wasn't ready to get baptized and that she had her interview but didn't pass. That was last week. So we have been praying and fasting to find out what she needed. So we had a lesson with her Saturday afternoon and we were trying to watch the Restoration but the internet in her house wasn't working. So we decided to read it in JSH. We read it and it was really powerful. Then we talked about how she felt ( Which we have done like a million times talked about that feeling good is an answer that these things are true ) But i guess it never clicked in her head until this minute. When she read a scripture and said oh So when I feel good after I pray that is God telling me that this is true. It was just amazing how you could see that the spirit instantly touched her heart and she got her answer in that minute. Then she asked us if she could read the baptismal questions and we said sure then asked if she had a question and she said no I am ready. So we called the zone leaders and told them we was ready.  So the Zone leaders came to give her the Interview and she passed. (: It was the most spiritual experience ever. This was on Saturday night and she said she wanted to get baptized Sunday morning!! We were so happy. So we called the Member who she wanted to baptize her and had to work on Sunday so we were thinking what should we do but we figured it all out and she got baptized on Sunday in the afternoon. Also she invited her Sister and her Mom to come.
It was so incredible! Her sister came up to us and asked so when are you coming to my house. (: We said wednesday she said sure. Then the Ward mission leader asked her when are you going to get baptized and she said in April (: haha So we are going with her tomorrow and I am sure that we are going to see really great things from this family!
Also on Sunday we have 2 more baptisms in the afternoon of a Mom and her Daughter. It was the neatest thing to see. She was a refrence of a Recent Convert. So they are really really good friends. The hermana gave a talk which was great because she only has been baptized like 6 months and has never given a talk. But the best part was after the baptism they asked the mom if she wanted to say something and she gave the most beautiful testimony I have ever heard.

She said she was waiting for something to change in her life and this is exactly what she needed to start over and be a new person. It was so great. She is reading the book of mormon and is in Alma! She read to Alma before she was even baptized (: We were so happy for her!

Also we got a new ward mission leader this week. He is awesome! We are really good friends with him and his wife and they live right by us. But he is really excited to start working and we are all getting the ward ready to start working! 

This week really has been incredible! I am so grateful for the chance I have to be a missionary. I have felt my faith growing and I have seen miracles here. I have no doubt in my mind that this is the Lords work. That he is leading the missionaries. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and I know that this is his only true church. It is the only church that has the authority of God to seal families together for eternity and the power to act in his name. I know that the Book of Morman is the word of God that through it we can know ëxactly what our Heavenly Father expects of us so that we can return and live with him again. I know that Joseph Smith was and is the prophet of the resturacion. That through him the same church that Jesucristo organized when he was on the Earth. I know that Thomas S Monson is a prophet of God and we are part of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Aw family I can't even tell you how great this week has been. I have had SO many spiritual experiences and really seen the Hand of the Lord. I have no doubt in my mind that my Heavenly Father knows me and he is very aware of what I need in my life. I am so grateful that we have the gospel and know that we can have an eternal family! We get to be together forever as long as we do what the Lord asks of us!
Well Family I love you all SO much! I hope you have a great week and we will talk to you on MONDAY next week (:

Hermana Chatwin

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