Monday, September 8, 2014

Hi family (: How is everyone doing?? Ah Felicidades Morgue!!!! (: Talmage is freakin adorable! I can't believe we have two new babies!!!! Yay (: 

Well this week has been good we have been having more success every week. ONe thing i have for sure learned is that your attitude changes EVERYTHING! I think it takes me a few times to learn a lesson from my Heavenly Father. But i am slowly learning how to do things better. 

This week I have been studying a lot about the Atonment and how we can apply it in our lives. There are so many things I still don't understand about it but before my mission I didn't really know how to use the atonment at all. I am learning little by little how to apply it and I have realized that that is my real goal as a missionary to help people learn to apply the Atonment in their lives. Because really everything else in the gospel is just a part of the Atonment of Jesus Christ. I can't explain how much my testimony has changed about these things I am teaching.

Also this week i have learned a lot that we need to forget our will and do the will of the Lord. That he has a plan and if we are always thinking about ourselves and how inadaquite we are that is one way that Satan tries to get us to think that the Lord thinks we are not good enough to help in his work but that is not true. The lord knows that we are not perfect. He knows that we all have weaknesses and that we need to change the way we are thinking. We just have to lose ourselves in the service of others and that is when things will come into perspective for us. 

This week we had 2 people who came to church (: one of them is a older Lady who came and has been actually progressing pretty well. We only have taught her two or three times but she came yay!! And then they talked about the word of wisdom in Gospel Doctrine so that was awesome... She had lots of questions about why we don't drink coffee because EVERYONE HERE DRINKS COFFEE!!!! She was really confused about that..... And then in Relief Society they talked about the plan of salvation.... so yeah she was really confused.. Hopefully we can help her understand a little better but she is great! 

Well Family Love you all!! Hope you have a good week! Give your kids a big hug from me! Including you mom (: Yay for Jenna coming home next week!!!! (: How crazy is that!!!!!!! (: Love you all so much! Talk to you next week!

Love Hermana Chatwin

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