Monday, September 22, 2014

This week has been good!

Hey family (: 

Oh my heck those pictures in the dropbox for sure made me cry a little (: I love you guys so stinkin much! How exciting is this! What a crazy exciting week you all had!! I was so happy to see all the pictures! 

Well this week has been good! We have been working really hard! And it has been showing!  So We always tell people that If they are reading the Book of Mormon, praying and coming to church they will have the desire to be baptized, That they don't have to listen to us just through these things they will have this desire. This week we have been teaching two investigators who have been progressing really well! We were in a lesson with one of them and he told us yeah I know have a lot to change before I am baptized but I really want to do it. He has been doing these three things. The other investigadora come to church and we had only taught her one lesson. Then the next day in church they talked about the work of wisdom. She told the class that she drinks coffee everyday and that she didn't think it was addicting but now she can see that is really something that she has an addiction to. Then we went to her house the next day and she told us she had stopped drinking coffee... and that she had ended things with her boyfriend that she had been with for ten years..... We had taught nothing about the Word of Wisdom or The ley of Chastity. But she had been reading the Book of Morman, Praying, and Coming to church. In these two experiences I really got a witness that the Gospel is so simple. That really we are not the ones teaching but the spirit is the one. When people start to do these things that are so small the spirit starts to work in their lives and starts to help them to change themselves. I just love seeing the spirit change these peoples lives! 

Also we have a family that the Grandma got baptized a few weeks ago but her grandkids still had to wait a while and we were always at their house sunday morning to tell them Vamos Vamos. But they never wanted to come. Then yesterday they still didn't want to come. But they told us that they had been reading the book of Morman and we went to get them in the afternoon and guess what they were READY TO GO!!!!! This never happens so we were all really happy. Then we watched a little bit of the testaments with them. Just the Part where Jesucristo comes to the Americas. They were all really atentive and actually excited about going. They should be baptized this saturday!!! Yay!!! 

So my companion leaves next week :( How weird is that. She is awesome! We have been together almost six months so it will be really weird to get a new companion. We get a long so well so that will be weird but I am excited to see what will happen. Well family I hope all is well! I love you all so much! MIss ya like crazy but I know things are right where they need to be! The church is true! And as long as we are always doing the little things the big things will be easier. Always always always read your scriptures especially the book of morman every day! Say your prayers every day and go to church everyweek. And have family home evenings and go to the temple (: These things will change your lives and make you converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know this is so so true! That when we do our part the lord does his part too. Love you all so much! 

Love Hermana Chatwin

Me and Hermana Garcia for my 5 months!!! Yay!! We went and got smooties.... well mine was a mint chocolate oreo milkshake but still (: she jsut said you are such a gringa..... I love this girl!! (: 

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