Monday, October 13, 2014

Our week of Miracles oh and 6 MONTHS IN THE MISSION (: yay

Hi family (: 

I am so happy to write you all this week an tell you about our amazing week. Seriously this week has been a week of miracles!!!!! 

We had Zone Confrence last week ( i think there should be a picture on facebook of it (: ) But we had interviews with President Wilkinson. He is the best! I always feel so much better after I talk to him. He is the best! So we got back from that and we were working like normal. Then we got a text from an investigator that was going to be baptized that following saturday. He said Hermana I am not sure if this saturday will work. Maybe I need to wait a while longer... I was like oh no what happened what will we do. I need to call him So i called but he didn't answer. Sent a text and no answer..... So the whole night i was just praying saying Heavenly Father I know he is ready to be baptized what can I do. So the next day was his interview and we decided we would just take the Elders and have the Interview and he would be ready. So we went first because he moved and we weren't sure where his house was. So we called him and he answered!! He told us oh yeah i'm waiting for you in the street. So we got there and started talking. I asked him what changed and if he wanted to be baptized still. He said of course it's just that I don't have a white shirt or a tie for my confermation........ I was like Oh my don't even worry about it. Because we have started to buy a white shirt and tie for every male convert. So we were like ah now you know our surprise. So he had his interview and everything went great! 

Then Saturday we went to the chapel in the morning to fill up the font...... and there was no water in the Chapel..... LIke no water in any part. All the people around had water but we didn't. So we called the Elders and they told us we would wait just a minute and see what we could do. So we tried everything. We brought a hose.... no luck... we went to the fire department and asked them if they could fill up the font because they had done it before and they said no.... We literally tried everything. This was an all day event. Finally it was like 4:30 and the baptism was at 6. So my companion and I decided okay we have done everything we could we need to say a prayer. So we all knelt down and prayed together. Then we thought okay what else can we do. So we kept trying and about 5 minutes later the font started dripping water then it started coming out like normal. Literally it was a miracle! We were like crying it was so great! There were so many things that went wrong that day. The people were late. The clothes were dirty. There was not water to fill the font. But finally everything started great. 

So we were about to start the baptism and then someone called us and it was two investigatores that we had forgotten were going to come to the baptism because we had been so stressed. They said we are here but we don't know exactly where the chapel is. So they came. Also 3 more investigatores came to the baptism. And a ton of ward members. So it was great. We watched a movie while he was changing his clothes about Christ and everyone was crying including our investigators! Then he got up to bear his testimony and it was so powerful. He was crying and saying that he couldn't express the joy that he was feeling only with tears. He said that when he moved here he didn't know what church to go to but he was praying for Heavenly Father to help him find the way. Then we knocked on his door.... (: The truth is that we didn't do anything. He was prepared when we met him to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. So that baptism was really the most spiritual thing I think I have ever felt. The spirit was so strong! 

Then in Sunday he showed up in his white shirt and tie and was confirmed. Along with another Hermano whose baptism was last week. They both had their new white shirts and ties. (: It was awesome! Then we were sitting there at the back of the chapel counting the attendance and one of our investigators got up to the pulpit. She is the daughter in law of the Branch president. We have only taught her once because her family is really evangelico. She came to the baptism the day before and has come to church 3 or 4 times. But she always said I don't know I will see what happens. Then yesterday she got up and said she was praying before church that if she should be baptized God would help her know what to do. Then during the testimony meeting she said she felt like it was right she felt something she had never felt before and said she wanted to be baptized. It was a miracle! Then after she said Hermana can you come over today and teach me what i need to do to be baptized. So we said of course! We went over and committed her to be baptized on the 25th of this month! And her husband is going to be able to baptize her. She is the cutest girl in the whole wide world. 

Honestly This week has been the most spiritual week of my mission. I have learned that really Heavenly Father answers prayers. That reallly this is his work not ours. That he knows his children and we are just here to show them the way to come back to him. I can't explain the love I am starting to have for these people. We have an investigator that we contacted on the street then for months she wasn't home but we walked past her house and she was there. So we stopped by and taught her a lesson then she came to church and we committed her to baptism on the 1st of November. I know that really my heavenly father sent me here to find these people. To help them learn the gospel and listen to the spirit. I love being a missionary so much! 

Also this week I will have 6 months in the mission. How weird is that. I don't know where the time has gone. Really i feel like i just got her. So this change is only four weeks so we have 2 weeks left and the next change is 4 weeks then the next one is 8 weeks for the airline tickets or something. SO i  am not sure how much more time i will have here in Canas but I love it here so much! I love the Branch and the people! I love my companion and I love being a missionary. 

I love you all so much (: hope all is well with you guys! 

Love Hermana Chatwin

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