Monday, October 6, 2014

Hola Familia (:
Well this week has been such a great growing experience! As you all know my companion left this week :( how crazy! So This week has been a week of adjustments and trying to figure out how the other one works. We started working together Tuesday. I was a little bit overwhelmed at the beginning but tuesday went well. Then wednesday came and that was the day that our companions left. So it was a little weird. We has some good lessons and found some new people to teach so it wasn't horrible. But thursday was really rough. We called to confirm appointments and everything was falling through so we went to lunch and I was really stressed. We were eating and just trying to think what can we do today. Then I asked my district leader to give me a blessing because I was just feeling really overwhelmed. So he gave me a blessing and instantly I just felt this peace come over me. That day was actually really good. We found some new investigators and had some really good lessons.
Then saturday we went to conferance and some of our investigators came!! Yay!!! (: we were so happy. Then we went out to work after and found 3 new investigators! Yay! One of them was an old investigator that Hermana Garcia and I taught maybe one or two times. Then after that we could never find her again. So it was a miricle that she was in her house. We taught her the first lesson and she told us that she would come to church with us the following day.  Then that night we had a baptism! He is the son of the Lady who was baptized last week. It was really a neat experience. She was crying and saying I am just so happy that my son has decided to follow this path and that we can live together forever. It was really just a sweet experience! Then Sunday morning we went to look for a few investigators to bring them to the church. We went to look for this lady but she wasn't there then we saw her in the street and thought oh how cool she is ready to go. But she told us she had to go to a thing for her daughter but she wanted to come to church later. So we went to the first session and then went back to her house. She wasn't there but we waited like 5 minutes and she came back. Then we said Hermana are you ready to go to church? And she said of course. So she and her 3 daughters came to church with us. We were so happy. And the talk of Elder Bednar was perfect for her. She was feeling a little bit like maybe she didn't want to change her church because she felt like she was okay where she was but she really liked the church and invited us to have lunch with her this week! She is really great! I am so grateful that the Lord is preparing people here to recieve the gospel.

We also have an investigator that the other hermanas were teaching. We taught him the Word of Wisdom this week which is really hard for people to keep or understand here because EVERYONE drinks coffee. But he told us he would try to stop drinking it. Then yesterday he came to the second session of conferance and I asked him how It was going with the coffee and he told me that he hadn't had coffee since our lesson! I was so happy (:
Our other investigator that we have been waiting for him to move finally moved this week so he can be baptized this saturday!! (:
I cannot describe the feeling that I have about my mission. I am not going to lie it is harder than hard but when you have someone that comes to church and is really starting to apply the atonment of Jesus Christ in their lives it is the neatest feeling in the world. There have been days when I have felt like wow why am here I could go home and be with my family and not have to do this hard thing but then I remember that really this is the most important thing I have ever done. That these people are my brothers and sisters. That EVERY person needs to and deserves to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. That Everyone deserves the chance to have the same blessings I have! The happiness that the Gopel brings is for every child of God!
Well family i hope everything is going well at home! Hope you know I love you all so stinkin much! <3<3

Love Hermana Chatwin
This is the Hermano who was baptised this week. And his mom (: and my new companion Hermana De Leon! 

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