Monday, July 28, 2014

This week has been rough but great.

Hola Familia!!! 

I have loved your pictures this week! Kate Liam is ADORABLE! And Hailey and Blake WHAT HAPPENED THEY ARE GETTING SO BIG! Morgue The girls are as cute and Ever and GRANT CAN WALK!!!!!! Oh my heck!!!! <3 I love you guys so stinkin much!

This week has been rough but great. I offically had my first sick moments of the mission. We have been eating really great..... not really rice and beans yay!! And usually pizza in the night.... we figured out that the pizza place sells calzones and they are really cheap and huge. So we had those then the next night the other hermanas wanted to have some too. So we had them again..... Then I woke up about 5:30 and yeah.... puked... so that was fun. :] I am sure that you all wanted to know that. But i took a nap and by 10 I was ready to go! So we went on our way and I ate soda cracker the rest of the day. But i am great now.

We had our SUPER NOCHE DE HOGAR (family home evening) with the Rama this week, It was on the 24th of July so we had a pioneer night! It was so much fun! We watched a little bit of 17 Miracles and talked about how much the Pioneers sacrificed for us to have this Gospel.  I love the pioneers so that was awesome! Also we dressed like pioneers.... I was the most pioneery pioneer. *Photos to follow* But it was awesome. We played some pioneer games and had some food. Our branch is great! 

My spanish is coming. I am not afraid to talk to people. I know that it is no where near perfect but it is coming. I have been trying really hard to focus more in the lessons and that has mad a HUGE difference! I can feel the hand of the Lord in my life. I am starting to understand why missions change people because they help you realize what is important. Our branch has so many less active people. We have 4 missionaries and 2 of them are just here to reactivate people, We are trying to have a ward but we have to have 120 people in sacrament meeting 3 weeks in a row. Right now we have like 70 or 80.... but it is coming! I am starting to realize that people make the Gospel so much more complicated than it needs to be. As long as we are doing the small things like reading our scriptures, praying, having family home evening, those are the things that will strengthen our testimony. Those are the things that will change our relationship with our Heavenly Father and bring us closer to Jesus Christ. I can't explain how much I love this Gospel. I can't explain how grateful I am to be here helping others come to Christ. Even though it is the hardest thing I have ever had to do It is amazing.

We had a baptism this week!!!! YAY!! Her name is Natalia! She is the one who got married a few weeks ago. We weren't really close with her because she started the lessons before with other Missionaries but It is amazing how the gospel changes people/ You can see the change in her countenance. So for the baptism we straightened our hair, which never happens. We were so cute and ready... We walked out the door and it started to rain.... how sad :[ (Photos to follow) Also another one of our investigators. It has been really slow with them... but the other day we were talking about how we have been sent here from God. That we are their answer. Then in his prayer he said Thank you for sending these angels here to help me....

We are still having a problem with getting people to come to church but things are getting better little by little.  It is crazy to think that I almost have 4 months in the Mission.... IT GOES SO FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it. I love being a missionary! 

Well family that is about all.... Hope you have a good week and know that I love you! I am so grateful to have an eternal family! Know that the Lord Loves you! He has a plan and it is perfect! :] 

Love you all <3 Hermana Chatwin

Because my companion is great i have all these!!! Enjoy!


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